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yadda yadda 2
JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
Atheism and Theism are only partly right!
by abiather intoday we know that matter and energy are interchangeable, hence they are there always in either form, they are eternal, hence requires no creator.
hence atheism is right in rejecting a creator, but failed in providing any motivation for people to do good.
religions, in their effort to provide a motivating factor for humans to do good, introduced creation stories and other myths; hence they too are right (as far as their intention is concerned), yet failed in producing any worthy resultsworld was steadily moving from bad to worse and from worse to worst!.
yadda yadda 2
Today we know that matter and energy are interchangeable, hence they are there always in either form, they are eternal, hence requires no CREATOR.
Errr, how does matter and light supposedly being eternal prove they never had a beginning?
We Pray For The Governing Body...
by jw07 inat the meetings i've noticed over the past 2 years or so brothers asking for 'special blessings' for the governing body.
it was everyonce in a while at first.
now it is almost at every single meeting!
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
yadda yadda 2
And Narkissos?
What happened to Lars58 and many other Bible Scholars?
by RottenRiley in.
i miss seeing lars postings and his bible interpretations, did he get re-instated?.
yadda yadda 2
What happened to Leolaia!?
John 14:13 I fail to see it worked
by punkofnice injohn 14:13. and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will i do, that the father may be glorified in the son.
i'll do whatever you ask in my name, so that the father may be glorified in the son.
yadda yadda 2
Answering prayers is a form of divine intervention. God is acting on the praying persons mind or heart or altering circumstances or whatever. ITS INTERVENTION.
YET Christian apologists say God currently isn't intervening to mitigate pointless evil and suffering as it supposedly messes up our free will and we would be robots otherwise. That's the standard Christian theodicy.
Why doesn't Jehovah just destroy Satan and the demons then leave humanity alone?
by yadda yadda 2 indid you ever wonder that as a jw?.
if all the trouble on this planet is down to satan and the demons, why not just get rid of them and then leave humankind alone and see how we go from there?
wouldn't a god who "is love" (1 john 4:8) full of mercy and justice at least try that first?
yadda yadda 2
Exactly Kate. xx
Why doesn't Jehovah just destroy Satan and the demons then leave humanity alone?
by yadda yadda 2 indid you ever wonder that as a jw?.
if all the trouble on this planet is down to satan and the demons, why not just get rid of them and then leave humankind alone and see how we go from there?
wouldn't a god who "is love" (1 john 4:8) full of mercy and justice at least try that first?
yadda yadda 2
Did you ever wonder that as a JW?
If all the trouble on this planet is down to Satan and the demons, why not just get rid of them and then leave humankind alone and see how we go from there?
Wouldn't a God who "is love" (1 John 4:8) full of mercy and justice at least try that first? wouldn't that be a sensible plan A?
Why the need to abyss Satan and the demons and also slaughter 99% of the human race at Armageddon at the same time?
Eve was deceived, she was naive. All her offspring were then born imperfect, doomed to die. It's not the human races fault - we are all born into sin and death! We only live 80-90 years then croak. We're pathetic, and you're soon going to exterminate us all for eternity?
Come on Jehovah, give us a break!
Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority!
by Dis-Member inimagine a world where being "gay" the norm & being "straight" would be the minority!
[short film].. .
yadda yadda 2
Professor Gary Leupp (Tufts University) affirms that male to male sex was 'normative' in that era. But again, the wives were all at home, looking after the kids.
Oh yeah? "Normative" for who? Produce the scholars quotes.
Imagine A World Where Being "Gay" The Norm & Being "Straight" Would Be The Minority!
by Dis-Member inimagine a world where being "gay" the norm & being "straight" would be the minority!
[short film].. .
yadda yadda 2
If the entire human race became gay it would die off within one generation.
Every baby born has the natural right to the love of a female mother and male father. Anything else is an aberration from what nature intended.
So sick of hearing about gays and their precious rights and demands.